California Injury Lawyers Discuss Dangers of Daylight Savings and California Car Accidents

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Each spring people in California wait for the clocks to change, for the long sunny days of spring and summer. The dark dreary day of winter over but with these added hours of light comes a hidden hazard, driving becomes a danger with these added hours of light drivers face many differences.

The body must become used to this change in the hours of daylight, this is a proven scientific fact, the body's circadian rhythm is disrupted by this change and with many people sleep patterns are also disrupted. It is these reasons and more changes in the body the feeling of tiredness often affects many people when the time changes.

This change in time, coupled with other factors leads to highway and freeway accidents every year on the first few days after the time change and as the daylight stays later in the day drivers in Southern California face having blinding sun in their field of vision when driving home from work or out for the evening. This the can make driving extremely difficult to manage and this includes eyes adjusting to the proper vision to see other vehicles, judging distances and even seeing traffic lights.

There are also other affects that have attributed to auto accidents and one of these is with the later hours of light, warm weather that begs for people to gather with friends for drinks. Because the daylight hours last longer, this often means having drinks later at night or even partying in the great weather of Southern California till late at night. This makes it altogether possible that a motorist on the highway in the morning still has a high enough level of alcohol in their system to be legally driving under the influence.

While this may seem unlikely there have been morning accidents where a driver who was involved driving under the influence and not because the driver had a morning drink it was due to over consumption of alcohol the evening prior. This is a fact that has been found in some cases by Los Angeles DUI and DWI attorneys who have represented these clients.


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