DUI and Probation

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Driving under influence of alcohol or alcohol is a problem that has risen to alarming levels. In fact, a recent survey has bought home a terrible fact that shows that drunk driving claims five lives everyday. A drunk driver faces humiliation, fine, probation, loss of license and the possibility of a prison sentence.

The law is somewhat lenient to first time offenders. Technically, it call for a jail sentence, but first time DUI offenders usually have this sentence suspended and the driver is put on probation. In simple terms, this means that the offender is subject to community supervision. Probation usually lasts one to two years. The offender must obey the judge's order or the suspension can be revoked. The offender can then face a prison term.

Usually a condition of probation demands that the offender must not violate the law, or drink alcohol. At the same time, it is necessary for the offender to maintain a job. The offender must follow all the regulations laid down for the probation period. This includes reporting to the prison office, usually once a month.

The offender also has to pay the requisite fees including the fine, court expenditure, and monthly probation fees on time. The condition for probation also requires the offender to do community service, which can vary from 24 to 80 hours.

The aim of probation is to educate the offender to the consequences of driving under the influence. This is why it is mandatory for the offender to attend DWI (driving while intoxicated) education classes.

Moreover, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has designed an educational program on the dangers of DWI, called ""Victim Impact Panel"". It is mandatory for an offender to attend these classes to get acquainted with the dangers involved with driving under the influence of alcohol.


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